
This script was developed using a subset of advanced selections of the University of Florida blueberry breeding program. The population is made up of 138 individuals phenotyped for a moderately heritable trait and genotyped with targeted sequence capture that yielded ~40k SNPs after dosage allele calling. In this hands-on, the optimization of genomic selection (GS) was presented for optimizing (i) training size (TSO) and; (ii) marker size (MSO).

Load libraries

#On windows, install rtools
#On MAC Install Xcode from apple, and gfortran6.3 or gfortran8.2 from 
#Download and install  gfortran-12.2-universal.pkg
#Please install also Rcpp and Rcpp-Armadillo packages.


#Load libraries
## Loading required package: cluster
## Loading required package: parallel
## ***********************************************************
##      This is 'TrainSel' package, v 2.0
## Copyright 2022 StatGen. All rights reserved.
## Please read the LICENSE file for more information
## ***********************************************************
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Load data

load("~/Mol Breed GS Practice/mb.class.v2.rda",verbose = T)
## Loading objects:
##   pheno_dat
##   geno_dat

Construct G

G = Gmatrix(geno_dat,ploidy = 4)
## Initial data: 
##  Number of Individuals: 138 
##  Number of Markers: 41050 
## Missing data check: 
##  Total SNPs: 41050 
##   58 SNPs dropped due to missing data threshold of 0.5 
##  Total of: 40992  SNPs 
## MAF check: 
##  No SNPs with MAF below 0 
## Heterozigosity data check: 
##  No SNPs with heterozygosity, missing threshold of =  0 
## Summary check: 
##  Initial:  41050 SNPs 
##  Final:  40992  SNPs ( 58  SNPs removed) 
## Completed! Time = 3.789  seconds

Training Size Optimization (TSO)

For TSO, two approaches was tested. Firstly, random selection of a defined number of individuals (size). The sampling for size (used as training set) was repeated rep times. For the second approach, CDMean algorithm was employed from TrainSel (Deniz Akdemir and Sánchez 2021) R package.

Random TSO

Example 1

Here, y is the vector of the phenotype while G is the Gmatrix. In this example, a seed is used to randomly sample individuals used as training set (TS).

size = 25
y = pheno_dat$trait1
n = c(1:length(y))
rand = sample(n, size, F)
test = n[-rand]
yNA = y
yNA[test] = NA
#Fit - gblub
fit = mixed.solve(yNA, K=G)
yhat = fit$u[test]
r2 = cor(yhat, y[test],use="complete")
## [1] 0.3762877
rm(list = c("size","y","rand","n","r2","yNA","fit","yhat","test")) #clear workspace

In other to allow for fair representation of all individuals in the population, random sampling was employed to repeatedly select the individuals used as TS with different seeds (5 times). Ideally, this should be repeated about 100 times but kept to 5 for simplicity.

#Create a function for random TS
gblup_ts_rand = function(rep,size,y,G){
  r2_gb = vector()
  #Set seed to randomly sample rep numbers
  for (i in 1:rep) {
    n = c(1:length(y))
    rand = sample(n, size, F)
    test = n[-rand]
    y[is.nan(y)]<-NA; yNA = y
    yNA[test] = NA
    #Fit - gblub
    fit = mixed.solve(yNA, K=G)
    yhat = fit$u[test]
    r2_gb[i] = cor(yhat, y[test],use="complete")

#Random selection
#25 individuals
rand_25 = gblup_ts_rand(rep=50,size=25,y=pheno_dat$trait1,G=G)
#50 individuals
rand_50 = gblup_ts_rand(rep=50,size=50,y=pheno_dat$trait1,G=G)
#75 individuals
rand_75 = gblup_ts_rand(rep=50,size=75,y=pheno_dat$trait1,G=G)

Optimization of the TS by a genetic algorithm (CDMean)

Mean coefficient of determination (CDMean) is the expected correlation between the true and predicted genotypic values. Read Laloë (1993) (Laloë 1993) and Rincent et al. (2012) (Rincent 2012) for more information. CDMean can be used to measure the suitability of a training set to make predictions over a target population (Fernández-González et al., 2022) (Fernández-González 2023). CDMean depends on the linear mixed models.

\[y = X\beta + Zu + e\]

Example 2

TSC = TrainSelControl()
TSC$niterations = 1000 #Number of iterations

#Select CDmean-Optimal subset of 25, 50, 75 samples

dataCDMEANopt = list(G = G, lambda = 1)

CDMEANOPT = function(soln, Data){
  G = Data[["G"]]
  lambda = Data[["lambda"]]
  Vinv = solve(G[soln,soln]+lambda*diag(length(soln)))
  outmat = (G[,soln]%*%(Vinv-(Vinv%*%Vinv)/sum(Vinv))%*%G[soln,])/G

#Set seed to randomly sample 5 numbers

#Optimal 25
TSOUTCD_25 = list()
for (i in 1:length(mod.seed)) {
  selected = TrainSel(Data = dataCDMEANopt,
                      Candidates = list(1:nrow(G)),
                      setsizes = c(25),
                      settypes = "UOS",
                      Stat = CDMEANOPT, control = TSC)
  TSOUTCD_25[[i]] = rownames(G)[selected$BestSol_int]
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
TSOUTCD_25 ='cbind',TSOUTCD_25)
write.csv(TSOUTCD_25, file = "TSOUTCD_25.csv", row.names = F)

#Optimal 50
TSOUTCD_50 = list()
for (i in 1:length(mod.seed)) {
  selected = TrainSel(Data = dataCDMEANopt,
                      Candidates = list(1:nrow(G)),
                      setsizes = c(50),
                      settypes = "UOS",
                      Stat = CDMEANOPT, control = TSC)
  TSOUTCD_50[[i]] = rownames(G)[selected$BestSol_int]
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
TSOUTCD_50 ='cbind',TSOUTCD_50)
write.csv(TSOUTCD_50, file = "TSOUTCD_50.csv", row.names = F)

#Optimal 75
TSOUTCD_75 = list()
for (i in 1:length(mod.seed)) {
  selected = TrainSel(Data = dataCDMEANopt,
                      Candidates = list(1:nrow(G)),
                      setsizes = c(75),
                      settypes = "UOS",
                      Stat = CDMEANOPT, control = TSC)
  TSOUTCD_75[[i]] = rownames(G)[selected$BestSol_int]
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
## Convergence Achieved 
##  (no improv in the last 'minitbefstop' iters).
TSOUTCD_75 ='cbind',TSOUTCD_75)
write.csv(TSOUTCD_75, file = "TSOUTCD_75.csv", row.names = F)

#Visualizing convergence
plot(selected$maxvec, xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Obj-Func Max Value")

Load saved selections

#cdmean 25
TSOUTCD_25 <- read_csv("TSOUTCD_25.csv"); TSOUTCD_25 = data.frame(TSOUTCD_25)
## Rows: 25 Columns: 5
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (5): V1, V2, V3, V4, V5
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#cdmean 50
TSOUTCD_50 <- read_csv("TSOUTCD_50.csv"); TSOUTCD_50 = data.frame(TSOUTCD_50)
## Rows: 50 Columns: 5
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (5): V1, V2, V3, V4, V5
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#cdmean 75
TSOUTCD_75 <- read_csv("TSOUTCD_75.csv"); TSOUTCD_75 = data.frame(TSOUTCD_75)
## Rows: 75 Columns: 5
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr (5): V1, V2, V3, V4, V5
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Comparison of TSO

Function to run gblup gs: opt and k-fold CVs

gs_opt function runs gblup genomic prediction with the five reps of selected individuals from optimization algorithm. Additionally, gblup_gs function runs 10 fold cross-validation for the full dataset. This was used to compare the TSO outputs.

gs_opt = function(G,train_ind,pheno,trait){
  trait_id = which(names(pheno)==trait)
  y = pheno[,trait_id]
  r2_gb = vector()
  reps = ncol(train_ind)
  for (i in 1:reps) {
    sel = train_ind[,i]
    test = which(!pheno[,1] %in% sel)
    yNA = y; yNA[test] = NA
    #Fit - gblub
    fit = mixed.solve(yNA, K=G)
    yhat = fit$u[test]
    r2_gb[i] = cor(yhat, y[test],use="complete")

#10 Folds CV
gblup_gs = function(G,y,reps){
  rep_r2 = list();
  for (i in 1:reps) {
    r2 = vector()
    for (j in 1:max(folds)) {
      test = which(folds==j)
      yNA = y; yNA[test] = NA
      fit = mixed.solve(yNA, K=G)
      yhat = fit$u[test]
      r2[j] = cor(yhat, y[test],use="complete")
    rep_r2[[i]] = r2

cd_25 = gs_opt(G,TSOUTCD_25,pheno_dat,"trait1")
cd_50 = gs_opt(G,TSOUTCD_50,pheno_dat,"trait1")
cd_75 = gs_opt(G,TSOUTCD_75,pheno_dat,"trait1")
all = gblup_gs(G,pheno_dat$trait1,5)

TSO summary

size = c(25, 50, 75, "all")
random = c(mean(rand_25$gblup),mean(rand_50$gblup),
cdmean = c(mean(cd_25$gblup,na.rm=T),mean(cd_50$gblup,na.rm=T),
tso = data.frame(Size=size,Random=random,CDMean=cdmean)
Size Random CDMean
25 0.3233391 0.3998368
50 0.3940426 0.4173206
75 0.4138347 0.5312799
all 0.4583492 0.4583492

Marker Size Optimization (MSO)

Example 3

In this example, a defined number of snp markers were randomly sampled to fit genomic prediction models. However, there are other data-driven and genetic methods in literature (MAF, mismatch rate, LD, Call rate etc.) for informed mso (Kainer et al., 2018) (David Kainer 2018). In the example below, 10k snps were randomly selected.

#Select random index
size = 10000
sel = sample(1:ncol(geno_dat), size, replace = F)
rand_snp = geno_dat[,sel];
#Select snps
n=length(pheno_dat$trait1); k=10         
#set folds
#construct g matrix
G_sel = Gmatrix(rand_snp,ploidy = 4)
## Initial data: 
##  Number of Individuals: 138 
##  Number of Markers: 10000 
## Missing data check: 
##  Total SNPs: 10000 
##   6 SNPs dropped due to missing data threshold of 0.5 
##  Total of: 9994  SNPs 
## MAF check: 
##  No SNPs with MAF below 0 
## Heterozigosity data check: 
##  No SNPs with heterozygosity, missing threshold of =  0 
## Summary check: 
##  Initial:  10000 SNPs 
##  Final:  9994  SNPs ( 6  SNPs removed) 
## Completed! Time = 0.685  seconds
y = pheno_dat$trait1

#10 cv
r2 = vector()                       
for(i in 1:max(folds)){ 
  test = which(folds==i)
  yNA = y
  yNA[test] = NA
  #Fit - gblup
  fit = mixed.solve(yNA, K=G_sel)
  yhat = fit$u[test]
  r2[i] = cor(yhat, y[test],use="complete")
## [1] 0.5525211
rm(list = c("size","sel","rand_snp","n","folds","G_sel","r2","yNA","fit","yhat","test"))

Comparison of MSO: GBlup vs RRBlup

In the example below, the snp markers were randomly selected with different seeds repeatedly (5 times) to avoid bias using gblup and rrblup models.

#random marker size selection: gblup
rand_gblup_probes = function(snp,pheno,trait,size){
  reps = list()
  #Set seed to randomly sample 5 numbers
  trait_id = which(names(pheno)==trait)
  y = pheno[,trait_id]; y[is.nan(y)]<-NA
  for (j in 1:length(mod.seed)) {
    #Set seed
    #Select random index
    sel = sample(1:ncol(snp), size, replace = F)
    rand_snp = snp[,sel];
    #Select snps
    n=length(y); k=10         
    #set folds
    #construct g matrix
    G_sel = Gmatrix(rand_snp,ploidy = 4)
    #10 cv
    r2 = vector()                       
    for(i in 1:max(folds)){ 
      test = which(folds==i)
      yNA = y
      yNA[test] = NA
      #Fit - gblup
      fit = mixed.solve(yNA, K=G_sel)
      yhat = fit$u[test]
      r2[i] = cor(yhat, y[test],use="complete")

#imputation function
imputation = function(dat){
  if (any( {
    imputvalue = apply(dat, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    ix = which(, arr.ind = TRUE)
    dat[ix] = imputvalue[ix[, 2]]

#random marker size selection: rrblup
rand_rr_probes = function(snp,pheno,trait,size){
  reps = list()
  #Impute missing data
  snp = imputation(snp)
  #Set seed to randomly sample 5 numbers
  trait_id = which(names(pheno)==trait)
  y = pheno[,trait_id]; y[is.nan(y)]<-NA
  for (j in 1:length(mod.seed)) {
    #Set seed
    #Select random index
    sel = sample(1:ncol(snp), size, replace = F)
    rand_snp = snp[,sel];
    #Select snps
    n=length(y); k=10         
    #set folds
    #10 cv
    r2 = vector()                       
    for(i in 1:max(folds)){ 
      test = which(folds==i)
      y_train=y[-test];   y_test = y[test]
      x_train= rand_snp[-test,]; x_test= rand_snp[test,]
      fit = mixed.solve(y_train, x_train)
      yhat = x_test %*% fit$u
      r2[i] = cor(yhat, y_test,use="complete")

rand_gblup_1k = rand_gblup_probes(geno_dat,pheno_dat,"trait1",1000)
rand_gblup_5k = rand_gblup_probes(geno_dat,pheno_dat,"trait1",5000)
rand_gblup_10k = rand_gblup_probes(geno_dat,pheno_dat,"trait1",10000)
rand_gblup_20k = rand_gblup_probes(geno_dat,pheno_dat,"trait1",20000)

rand_rr_1k = rand_rr_probes(geno_dat,pheno_dat,"trait1",1000)
rand_rr_5k = rand_rr_probes(geno_dat,pheno_dat,"trait1",5000)
rand_rr_10k = rand_rr_probes(geno_dat,pheno_dat,"trait1",10000)
rand_rr_20k = rand_rr_probes(geno_dat,pheno_dat,"trait1",20000)

MSO summary

size = c(1000, 5000, 10000, 20000)
gblup = c(mean(unlist(rand_gblup_1k),na.rm=T),mean(unlist(rand_gblup_5k),na.rm=T),
rrblup = c(mean(unlist(rand_rr_1k),na.rm=T),mean(unlist(rand_rr_5k),na.rm=T),
mso = data.frame(Size=size,GBlup=gblup,RRBlup=rrblup)

Size GBlup RRBlup
1000 0.4335913 0.4340556
5000 0.4364223 0.4365127
10000 0.4840333 0.4840627
20000 0.4541483 0.4542154


David Kainer, Amanda Padovan, Eric A Stone. 2018. “Accuracy of Genomic Prediction for Foliar Terpene Traits in Eucalyptus Polybractea.” G3 8 (8): 2573–83.
Deniz Akdemir, Simon Rio, and Julio Isidro y Sánchez. 2021. “TrainSel: An r Package for Selection of Training Populations.” Front. Genet. 12.
Fernández-González, Akdemir, J. 2023. “A Comparison of Methods for Training Population Optimization in Genomic Selection.” Theor Appl Genet 136 (30).
Laloë, D. 1993. “Precision and Information in Linear Models of Genetic Evaluation.” Genet. Select. Evol. 25: 557–76.
Rincent, Laloë, R. 2012. “Maximizing the Reliability of Genomic Selection by Optimizing the Calibration Set of Reference Individuals: Comparison of Methods in Two Diverse Groups of Maize Inbreds (Zea Mays l.).” Genetics 192: 715–28.

  1. University of Florida, ↩︎

  2. University of Florida,↩︎