P. Adunola, L.F.V. Ferrão, J. Benevenuto, C.F. Azevedo, P. Munoz (2024). Genomic selection optimization in blueberry: Data-driven methods for marker and training population design. The Plant Genome. DOI: 10.1002/tpg2.20488 (Accepted)
Poster Presentation at International Plant and Animal Genome, San Diego, California, 2023
Conferences Presentations (O: Oral | P: Poster)
P. M. Adunola, L. F. V. Ferrão, E. T. Tavares, G. Casorzo, L. Ghimire, C. F. Azevedo, and P. R. Munoz (2024).Phenomic-Assisted Selection: Assessment of the Potential of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Blueberry Breeding. International Plant and Animal Genome 31, San Diego, California. (O)
L. Ghimire, P. M. Adunola, C. F. Azevedo, L. F. V. Ferrão, J. Benevenuto, P. F. Harmon and P. R. Munoz (2024). GWAS and Genomic Selection Strategies for Breeding Anthracnose Resistant Southern Highbush Blueberries. International Plant and Animal Genome 31, San Diego, California. (P)
P. M. Adunola, T. Schultz, G. Casorzo, E. Tavares, C. Azevedo, L. F. V. Ferrão and P. R. Munoz (2023). berrycv-worfklow: A Python-based Computer Vision Tool for Quantifying Waxy Bloom in Blueberries. National Association of Plant Breeders. (P)
G. Casorzo, L. F. V. Ferrão, P. M. Adunola, E. Tavares, C. Azevedo, R. Amadeu and P. R. Munoz (2023). Breeding Southern Highbush Blueberries with Improved Postharvest Quality. National Association of Plant Breeders. (P)
E. F. Tavares, G. Casorzo, P. M. Adunola, C. F. Azevedo, L. F. Ferrao, P. R. Munoz et al. (2023). Dissecting anthocyanin variation in Southern Highbush Blueberry. National Association of Plant Breeders. (P)
P. M. Adunola, L. F. V. Ferrão and P. R. Munoz (2023). Integration of Genetic and Data-Driven Methods for Optimizing Genomic Prediction in Autotetraploid Blueberries. International Plant and Animal Genome, San Diego, California. (P)
L. Ghimire, N. C. Flor, P. M. Adunola, F. E. Enciso-Rodriguez, L. F. V. Ferrão, J. Benevenuto, P. F. Harmon and P. R. Munoz (2023). Identification of genomic regions associated with bacterial wilt resistance in southern highbush blueberries using genomic-wide association study. International Plant and Animal Genome, San Diego, California. (P)
P. M. Adunola, L. F. V. Ferrão and P. R. Munoz (2022). Using genomic selection for trait stability in coffee breeding. American Society for Horticultural Science Conference, Chicago, Illinois. (P)
P. M. Adunola, Akinyele, B. O. and Fayeun, L. S. (2018). Genetic Variances and Heritability among F1s of Quality Protein Maize and Popcorn. Proceedings of 4th Annual National Conference of the Association of Seed Scientists of Nigeria, held at The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), Nigeria, 24-28 June, pp 117-124. (O)
Omosebi, T., Adunola, P. M., Fayeun, L. S. and Akinyele, B. O. (2018). Morphological characters and character association among sixty Bambara groundnut accessions in Nigeria. Proceedings of 4th Annual National Conference of the Association of Seed Scientists of Nigeria, held at FUTA, 24-28 June, pp 158-166. (O)
Odiyi, A. C., Owolabi, O. F., Adunola P. M. and Fayeun L. S. (2017). Genetic Variability and Character Association in Cucumber Genotypes Grown in Rainforest Ecology. Proceedings of 9th Annual National Conference of the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure held at FUTA, May 30-June 1, pp 268-271. (O)